This is probably one of, if not the most important questions to ask. This is something that you should know before you even invest your time getting an estimate. The Arbor Tree is licensed and has worker’s compensation on every person that steps onto your property, from the arborist representative to the climber. Everyone at The Arbor Tree and our subcontractors are covered for up to $500,000 per incident, and our general liability covers the property for up to $2,000,000 per incident. Of course, a tree company can be licensed and operate without having insurance – surprisingly, it is not required by law. Believe it or not, there are tree removal companies out there with no insurance or work comp, and people don’t even think to make them provide it. We’re talking about a job that ranks in the top 3 most dangerous jobs in the world and companies and individuals go uninsured while. Always check for insurance and work comp. If your job is particularly tricky – you know, like the tree is directly over your house, ask for a copy of the insurance from the insurance company listing you as the certificate holder.